GCMS Notes

What are GCMS Notes?

Global Case Management System (GCMS) is an electronic data management system used by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to process the applications both from overseas and within Canada. Immigration officers enter their notes/concerns about applications in GCMS.

Usually, refusal letter issued from IRCC is generic and do not provide much information about officer’s concerns. GCMS notes are especially important to know the actual refusal reasons of a refused application

Information from GCMS Notes:


How can GCMS notes help you?

You have a better perspective of the decision of your IRCC application. This is beneficial as the knowledge can help you proactively prepare for a document request from IRCC or help you prepare for any impending interview. In the case of a visa refusal, you will find a detailed reason for the refusal. Therefore, if you decide to re-apply, the information you have gotten from the GCMS Notes will ensure that you prepare a better application, thereby increasing the chances of your getting approval.

How can you apply for GCMS Notes?

You need to have your application number and Unique Client Identification (UCI) number (optional) to apply for GCMS Notes.You can apply for GCMS Notes online or by mail.